Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Back on Track

For the first time in nearly a year (the last time was Sept. 18, 2011) I returned to the track for speedwork. There are several reasons for the 358-day absence from the dreaded oval, and only one (sort of) good excuse. It's odd that I avoid speedwork because it works! I need to remember that the next time I try to talk myself out of it.

The start of the Arc half-marathon. (Charlie Bowers photo)
Back in the day, when I was a member of the Syracuse Chargers, Dave Oja was the women's coach. I remember gathering at the Henninger High School track one evening a week to grind out speedwork, Dave dutifully pushing us, stopwatch in hand. So I have always known of the benefits of hitting the track, I just have never really liked it. 

So here are my reasons:
1. The Liverpool High School track had been closed for renovations, but now that it's open the fence is too high for me to climb over (if the gate is locked), and the gate is unlocked at inconsistent times. I have to be done with my weekday morning workout by 7 a.m.--trotting over to LHS to find the gate locked infuriates me. So . . .
2. I don't mind driving to Baldwinsville to access their track, but that presents another justification in my mind to skip it altogether. Determined to do speedwork today (based on my woeful half-marathon time of Sept. 8), I drove to B'ville, only to find that track closed for renovations! So I headed to the Cicero-North Syracuse track, easily the nicest facility locally short of Syracuse University. I have never found that gate locked, and a few lights are on so it's easier to stay in a lane before the sun comes up.
3. Speedwork is deadly dull. Indeed it is, but (repeat after me) it works.

And here is my excuse:
1. I had foot surgery Oct. 20, 2011. Lame, I know. As soon as I could run again I should have also scheduled weekly speedwork.

So with a goal in mind to best every finishing time from 2012 at every distance in 2013, I vow to trudge to the track once a week to embrace, enjoy and complete a speed workout. This way, when my husband has to stand in the rain (like he did Saturday), waiting for his wife to finish yet another race, he won't have to bide his time nearly as long. And that's motivation enough!

Next races:
Cortland YMCA Sprint Triathlon, Sept. 15, Little York Lake.
Strathmore Parks Run, Sept. 15, Onondaga Park.