Thursday, September 23, 2021

Hello Again!

Hello there! I haven't written a blog entry in almost four years; my last post was the text of my graduation speech from nursing school in 2017. Time to bring everyone up to speed.

For the last four years, I have been working full-time plus at Syracuse Home, a five-star longterm care facility in Baldwinsville, NY. I love my job as an LPN, and I feel very fortunate to work there. The juxtaposition of name and location may seem odd, but there is a valid reason for it. In fact, you can read all about the history of Syracuse Home here:

I am proud to work at a place with roots of helping indigent women and children (before government-funded social safety nets).

I also have started an Etsy shop where I sell items made on the fantastic sewing machine my husband bought me a few years ago for Christmas. My inventory is low, however, as I would rather be outside when the weather is warm than inside sewing. Colder days lie ahead, so it will back to the sewing machine to see what I can whip up. Until then, check out a few of my creations.

I have enjoyed some success with my shop, and am making it a goal for 2022 to be more proactive with it. Visit it at

I am open to creating items to order as well. Visit my shop and shoot me a message. Or leave a message in the comments section of this blog. Then we can discuss fabric, a design and a price. I'll make it happen.

I continue competing in road races and triathlons, but annus horribilis 2020 placed a hold on competitions that is slowly easing. I look forward to a fuller slate of events in 2022.

That's all for now. Have a wonderful early fall, everyone; see you soon!